What We Do


Our methodology to building community.

Baltimore Brothers specializes in conflict mediation, employment initiatives, re-entry services, and the facilitation of key community conversations and engagement. 

The mission of Baltimore Brothers is to design, implement, and coordinate strategies and initiatives to reduce crime in Baltimore City by using astute resourcefulness and leveraging community assets and relationships.

We have a history of working with the city of Baltimore in engaging youth and young adults with a focus on violence intervention. Baltimore Brothers began in 2015 in response to the needs of Baltimore City residents that arose and gained citywide attention during the uprisings in the aftermath of the killing of Freddie Gray. Baltimore City residents, particularly communities of color and low-income residents, articulated an increased need for community rooted anti-violence work with youth and young adults.

We want to alleviate neighborhood violence while channeling community energy, resources, and frustrations into community-building efforts. Baltimore Brothers is fiscally sponsored by the Institute for Policy Studies. Andrew Knox and Baltimore Brothers have collaborated successfully with the Mayor’s Office, Maryland Department of Juvenile Services, and others engaging youth and young adults with a focus on violence prevention or intervention.  


How we do it.

Until 2017, Baltimore Brother’s services were primarily funded through small individual donations, volunteers and in-kind donations per project and event.  During the Summer of 2017, Baltimore Brothers received its first contract and entering into a MOU with the City of Baltimore. Baltimore Brothers served approximately 900 Baltimore City residents during 2017 and about 2000 individuals since 2017.

Baltimore Brothers currently participates in a network of community-based partners that provide responses to the following direct service needs: 

·      Transitional employment and training 

  • Housing stabilization 

  • Health Care 

  • Transportation assistance 

  • Substance use and behavioral health 

  • Re-entry support 

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

  • Safety planning 


Conflict mediation & resolution

In 2015, Baltimore Brother established a call-in line, “squash the beef” and provide support to prevent shootings or being shot. During the past six months, there have been more than 20 calls and responses. We are seeking funds to expand knowledge of the call-in line and to commensurate support, including funds necessary to support costs associated with responses to reduce the shootings. In some cases, this requires the relocation of an individual out of Baltimore. Baltimore Brothers has an extensive network throughout the Eastern Region and throughout the US. 

In July 2020, Baltimore Brothers was provided space by the Baltimore City Housing Department at the Oliver Recreation Center to teach and train young men including: 

  • Teaching reading, academic subjects and also about the importance of education 

  • Introduction to Computers/Internet

  • Positive social emotional development 

  • Skills related to obtaining and sustaining employment including learning how to apply for a job, write a cover letter, be interviewed, and advance once employed or as an entrepreneur 

  • Martial Arts/Boxing and staying fit along with Nutritional and Healthy eating 

  • A curriculum to avoid gang interventions and having “Street Smarts” and how to positively navigate through life. 

The Oliver Recreation Center will serve as the home for this initiative although we will seek additional space east of the Johns Hopkins Hospital that will be more easily accessible for trainings and meeting called without a great deal of notice in evenings and weekends.